Significance of Automatic Control System
- Industrial Applications (robot, assembly line, . . .)
- Military Purpose (tank, missile, …)
- Exploration Purpose (New Continent, Moon, Mars, Pluto…)
- Transportation (automobile, ship, aircraft, …)
- Daily Common Life (washing machine, boiler, toys, air conditioner, … )
The significance of automatic control is rapidly increasing in various fields owing to the development of electronics, computer science and information technology
Final Goal : Why do you learn Automatic Control?
→ convenient, comfortable and safe life for human beings
History of Automatic Control
- selected Historical Development
1769 : James Watt’s steam engine and governor ->
Father of Automatic Control
1800 : Eli Whitney’s concept of interchangeable
parts manufacturing -> The beginning of mass production
1868 : J.C Maxwell : formulated a mathematical model for a governor control of a steam engine
Late 1800s : A.Hurwitz, E.J. Routh : investigated the
stability of linear systems.
1913 : Henry Ford : assembly machine for automobile production
1927: H.W. Bode : analyzed feedback amplifiers
1932 : H. Nyquist : analyzed the stability of system
1948: Evans : introduced Root-Locus Method
1954 : George Devol : first programmed industrial robot
state-variable model and optimal control
1980 : robust control : adaptive control, H∞ control, sliding mode control
Industrial control systems examples
Types of Industrial Control System
- Open-Loop Control Systems
- Closed-Loop Control Systems (Feedback Control System)
Open-Loop Control Systems
plant (system, process) : Any physical object to be controlled(robot, car, classroom, population, … )
The output is not monitored for the purpose of control action. In other words, the output is neither measured nor fed back for comparison with the input.
Some Features
- 1) easy implementation
- 2) low cost of operation
- 3) weak to disturbances
- 4) The accuracy depends on calibration
Typical Examples
- 1) traffic control (time base open-loop control)
* Note : Nowadays, in traffic control, real time feedback control is realized using vision sensor system.
- 2) dryer (high, medium, off)
- 3) washing machine (soaking, washing, rinsing)
Some Features
- 1) complicated structures (implementation may be difficult)
- 2) The system instability may occur
- 3) high cost of operation
- 4) robust to disturbances
Open-Loop Control Systems Example
speed control of turntable
position control of missile launcher
Closed-Loop Control Systems (Feedback Control System)
Comparator: – : negative feedback + : positive feedback
The output is monitored for the purpose of control action. The term ‘closed-loop control’ always implies the use of feedback control action in order to reduce system error
Some Features:
1) complicated structures (implementation may be difficult)
2) The system instability may occur
3) high cost of operation
4) robust to disturbances
Closed-Loop Control Systems Example :
Automatic Steering Control
Liquid-level Control System
Manual Control
Automatic Control
Speed control of Turn Table
Tracking Control of HDD
Position Control of Missile Launcher
Position Control of High Speed Train System
Temperature Control of Passenger Car
Antenna azimuth position control system
Control System Design Process
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