Modbus vs Bacnet (Difference between Modbus and Bacnet)


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Modbus vs Bacnet




Use Communication across devices Communication between devices
Markets Industrial,Transportion,Energy Management,Building Automation,Regulatory and health and Safety HVAC,Lighting,Life Safety,Access Controls,transportation and maintenance
Examples Boiler control,Tank Level Measurements Tasks such as request temperature reading,Send Status alarm,or fan Schedule
Proprietary No No
Transmission modes Ethernet/IP,MS/TP,Zigbee ASCII,RTU,TCP/IP
Standards ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 185;ISO-16485-5;ISO-164-6 IEC 61158
Costs Low;No charge for usage or licensing fees Low;No charge for usage or licensing fees
Network Interfaces Existing LANs and LANs infrastructure Traditional serial and Ethernet protocols
Website Modbus.Org Bacnet.Org
Advantages 1. Scalability between cost, performance and system size
Endorsement and adoption by nearly major vendor in north america and
2.Many other countries Robust inter networking including multiple LAN types and dial-up
3. Un-restriceted growth and the ability to add new innovations and new features anytime
1.Easy connection to modicon
2.Suitable for small/medium volume of data (<_255 bytes)
3.Openly published and royalty-free
4.Easy to deploy and maintain
5.Moves raw bits or words without placing restrictions or vendors


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